Pandora FMS allows you to discover all your network equipment and represent its topology throughout maps that connect interfaces and display the structure of your network in detail. Go further, unifying device management with full network observability.
+ Network monitoring
+ Log monitoring
+ Server monitoring
+ UX monitoring
+ Cloud & Virtualization
+ Security Monitoring
+ SAP monitoring
+ IBM i monitoring
+ MSP monitoring
Network management tools, from configuration and traffic intelligence to performance monitoring and topology mapping, to readily see, understand, and resolve issues. An integrated, multi-vendor approach that’s easy to use, extend, and scale to keep distributed networks optimized.
Comprehensive server, services and application monitoring made simple
Storage resource management reporting for health, performance, and capacity of multi-vendor storage
Cross-platform support for both cloud and on-premises databases. Anomaly detection powered by machine learning gets smarter over time to help you identify the bottlenecks slowing down your applications.
Specops Password Sync instantly synchronizes Active Directory passwords to domains, or other systems.
Active Directory Janitor scans your network environment and identifies risky account status (such as orphaned or unused accounts) and other security risks.
Specops Deploy simplifies the installation of operating systems, software, and applications in your Microsoft Active Directory environment.
Authentication and password security is more important than ever. Our password audit tool scans your Active Directory and identifies password-related vulnerabilities.
The tool compares the pwdLastSet attribute with the maximum password age in the default domain policy, or fine-grained password policy, to send notification emails to users affected by a configured GPO.
Specops Gpupdate is a free tool that enables remote administration of any number of computers.