Detect, correlate and act on threats in real time, across your whole infrastructure
Proactive security for your infrastructure
Pandora SIEM is the security event management solution that gives you complete and proactive visibility into the security of your technology infrastructure.
Unlike other SIEM solutions that rely on external sources, Pandora SIEM collects and analyzes data right away from Pandora FMS monitoring agents, integrating log collection to generate specific security events.
This enables advanced event correlation and real-time threat detection, ensuring strong and adaptable protection to your business needs.
Centralize and manage data in real time. Pandora SIEM collects and centralizes logs and events from several systems on a single platform, integrating natively with Pandora FMS agents, without the need for additional tools.
Monitor your infrastructure in real time and receive proactive alerts. It offers continuous visibility into suspicious activity, enabling immediate threat detection. Generate automatic alerts for unusual incidents or behavior.
1300 rules "out of the box". Support for importing rules in Wazuh format
Customize Correlation and Enrichment of Security Events. Use editable public rules to enrich security events and detect suspicious patterns, tailoring a solution specific to each particular environment.
Automate responses to quickly mitigate incidents. Pandora SIEM automates responses to security events, such as service restarts or script execution, reducing reaction time without human intervention and minimizing damage.