Network Mapping

Pandora FMS allows you to discover all your network equipment and represent its topology throughout maps that connect interfaces and display the structure of your network in detail. 

Our network maps are editable, and show not only nodes, but also interfaces and fictional entities linked to maps in another level. 

Route monitoring allows to know which is the fastest route between several IPs at a given time. Another of Pandora's advanced standard functions

Cluster Monitoring

Monitor clusters of any type with Pandora FMS.  

Other Networking Features

Integrated SSH / Telnet console to access devices.  

Remote command execution from console.  

Customized remote checks on demand for operators.  

Integrated MIB Explorer, with custom MIB loading.  

Smart thresholds that learn themselves from the network. 

Collect all SYSLOG network devices.  

Real time SNMP graphs. 

PandoraFMS features map



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